What is a First Offender Program?
First offender programs are restorative justice programs for youth and adults; they enable participants to avoid a criminal record after an arrest and connect participants to resources that help them to stay on the right side of the law.
The goal of the criminal justice system is not simply to hand out the harshest punishments just to show voters that Texas is tough on crime, but this does not mean that the best interests of defendants are always the justice system’s main motivation, either. Like any other public entity, the criminal justice system has limited resources, and it aims to use them for the state’s most urgent needs. Thus, prosecutors often offer attractive plea deals to save the state the expense of a criminal trial. Of course, it is also in everyone’s financial interest if there was less crime. Anyone who has a criminal record can tell you that the financial effects linger for years, even after the defendant has finished his or her prison or probation sentence. Restorative justice programs in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and elsewhere aim to enable first-time defendants to emerge from the criminal justice system without a criminal record and set them on a law-abiding path. The Fort Worth criminal defense lawyers at the Law Office of Kyle Whitaker can help you avoid getting a criminal record if you are facing criminal charges for the first time.
The Dallas County First Offender Program for Youth
The First Offender Program is part of the youth operations division of the Dallas Police Department. It is open to youth between the ages of 10 and 16 who are being accused for the first time of misdemeanors or non-violent state jail felonies. In the first phase of the program, case workers meet with the teens and their parents to assess the teen’s home and school situation thoroughly and develop a counseling plan. After that, the teens and their parents participate in six family counseling sessions. If the teen has not been arrested again within 90 days after the completion of the last counseling session, the arrest will be erased from the teen’s record.
Pre-Trial Diversion Programs for Dallas County Adults
The criminal courts of Texas also offer a variety of pre-trial diversion programs for adults who do not have a prior criminal record. If you are accepted into one of these programs, you must comply with requirements similar to those of people serving probation sentences, such as meeting regularly with a probation officer and attending court-ordered counseling sessions. If you complete the program successfully, you will not receive a conviction on your record, and the court will drop your charges. Dallas County offers separate programs for misdemeanor cases, felony cases, and prostitution-related offenses.
Contact the Fort Worth Law Office of Kyle Whitaker About Criminal Defense Cases in TX
If you are being accused of a crime for the first time and want to avoid getting a criminal record, you need a criminal defense attorney. Contact the Law Office of Kyle Whitaker in Fort Worth, Texas, to discuss your case.